I am a certified Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Expert, wife, and mom of two kids living on the Connecticut Shoreline. Throughout my adolescent years, I struggled with my health. It was during college when I began to notice a pronounced decline as I was getting sick easily, had thyroid problems, brain fog, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, migraines, and neuropathy. Wanting answers, I sought the help of traditional practitioners only to be met with more frustration and little to no reprieve.

It wasn’t until years later I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease that I realized I needed help. I sought out a functional medicine practitioner and he opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me. I began to change my lifestyle, alter my diet, work on lowering inflammation in my body, and started experiencing discernible improvement in the way I was feeling both mentally and physically. Now being in my late-30's I am as healthy as I have ever been. I'm living proof that taking steps to improve your health truly works when you have all the right tools!


I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to struggle with health issues and search for answers from doctors, only to wind up with a pill as a short-term fix. While sometimes medication is necessary (I've been there!), other times diving deeper to find the root cause of your symptoms is the better alternative.

Leveraging my holistic approach, we can develop an individualized plan to balance both your diet and lifestyle. I strongly believe that the body has an excellent chance at healing itself if you give it all the proper tools and attention. Your health and well-being are my top priority and I will guide you through this process to help you achieve your goals and live a healthy and balanced life.

My Certification

I received my Health Coaching certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.